Här kommer en inbjudan från Accademia Italiana Endodonzia:

As a Full Member Society of the ESE, AIE is pleased to invite international Members to participate in this special event. This Congress, themed “The Art of Endodontics,” coincides with the Jubilee year and offers an exceptional opportunity to reflect on advancements in Endodontics over the past 25 years. Our aim is to underscore the artistic nature of Endodontics, celebrating its evolution while exploring every dimension of this remarkable field. To this end, we have invited some of the most renowned national and international Speakers to guide us through the discipline’s past, present, and future, with a focus on the latest innovations, relevant research, and clinical insights that can be directly applied to practice. The full program of the event is available at this link: AIE Congress Program. International members are warmly invited to attend. Those who register as AIE International Members will gain complimentary access to the Congress by signing up at the following link: AIE Membership Registration. Alternatively, members of your Society are welcome to attend at a reduced fee by registering here: Congress Registration.

AIE International Members will also enjoy free access to our AIE Autumn Meeting, to be held in Rome on September 26-27, 2025, titled “AIE presents: The Clinical Guidelines.”. This event will feature leading Italian (SIdP-SITD), European (ESE-EFP), and international (IADT) scientific Societies who will present their respective clinical guidelines.

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